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Divorced My Cheating Husband and Remarried My Rival

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"You feel so f**king good." a deep voice, one I knew all too well, grunted. I watched my husband Daniel and my assistant Esme banging each other right on my table. My hands flew to my mouth as realization dawned on me, the shock from seeing and hearing them made me shift back, stumbling against the table, and I pushed the chair backward. "Did you hear that?" I quickly dodged and stepped back from the glass view. "What?" Daniel hissed impatiently. "I think I heard-" Esme trailed off, "Never mind, just hurry up already." "No need to rush, there is still time before the b*tch lands." His statement was like a slap to my face, my ears were ringing. "Really?" "Yes, baby, a few more rounds for us." "Once she's back, I can't have you." "I know, but it's just for a while, you know it's you I love, it's her money that's keeping me." Their mixed chuckle ran across the room, traveled up my nerves, and made my heart sink to my stomach. *** When Elsie uncovers the affair between her husband and her trusted assistant, her world shatters. The dual betrayal by the man she loved for years and the assistant she relied on leave her devastated and nearly hopeless. But after the initial shock, Elsie regains her strength. She contacts a lawyer to prepare for divorce and makes a bold move- switching jobs and joining the company of her longtime rival, Albie. What starts as a search for solace turns into something much more dangerous. Albie's relentless pursuit leaves Elsie feeling increasingly drawn to him, despite her resolve. Will she lose herself in a passion she never expected, or find a new path to healing?


Hana Hanna

Review after the novel completion

Story line was good.. writer really took her time to introduce the make the character slowly fall for each other…it was really good.. I don’t really like long chapters but for this book, i was really invested.. i was really looking forward to see how Elsie accepted Albie. I was really looking forward how Elsie had her revenge to Daniel & Esme. I was looking forward to see what makes Elsie decided to married with Albie.. see how good this book is…😄😄😄

November 10, 2024

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