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Daddy's best friend

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BLURB After a painful teenage rejection from her crush who happens to be her father’s best friend, Sophia is determined to win over his heart at all costs, especially now that she is going off to college and would be living under the same roof as Henry. He is a 40-year-old breathtakingly handsome man. He doesn't even look a day over forty. Henry is a renowned businessman and also best friend and business partner with Collin’s Sophia dad. When Sophia moves in to live with him, he tries to resist the urge to be with her especially knowing all the complexity it would cause, him being twice her age and knowing Collins would adamantly kick against it, But he begins to nurture strong feelings for Sophia which is at first disguised as Jealousy and later he realizes he has fallen deeply in love with her. What would they do with this growing strong affection they have towards each other and how would they deal with all the complexity that comes with being in-love?



Review after half of the novel

Questa storia mi sta appassionando davvero molto! Ho già letto diverse storie in questo stile e con una trama simile ma questa è molto emozionante ed avviccente. Mi piace molto il rapporto che sophia d harry stanno costruendo nonostante la loro differenza d'età e le difficoltà che derivano dalla famiglia. Spero davvero che riescano a vivere la loro storia d'amore nonostante tutto. Per il momento sono solo a metà del romanzo quindi sono curiosa di vedere cosa succederà tra i due!

April 24, 2024

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