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Chasing My Rejected Wife

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  • 7.4
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New Exclusive Chapters are coming regularly! After three years of marriage, Amber was terminated by infertility. When the mistress, her younger sister, showed up with a big belly, her heart was dead. Kicking out from that callous family and cheating by Rodeny, a man she had loved for 5 years, she chose to disappear without getting a penny after the divorce... Amber and Rodney had been married for three years. He had always been gentle with her, but there had been a drastic change in his attitude lately. Not only was he cold, he also became very impatient while answering her calls. What exactly changed Rodney so much? Part II coming soon.. Stay tuned!


Ajha Edwards

Review after half of the novel

I love this story I’m just mad that her step mother and her. Sister are trying to do her so dirty it doesn’t make sense to me as to why they already took everything from her so I don’t understand but it’s okay I can’t wait to see how it progresses and where they lead to. It’s so crazy and I don’t like Rodney I hope she gets with Elliot even tho he aggravating and does way too much lol but I love it.

February 8, 2024

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