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Always And Forever

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  • 7.5
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Katherine trusted the love of her life so much that she declined the offer placed on a platter of gold by her parents to marry Cross the oldest son of the richest family in town, even when they threatened to disown her. Instead, she kept a huge sum of money with her boyfriend whom she trusted so much, she decided to elope with her boyfriend only to find out that she has been both emotionally and financially scammed by the person she trusted the most, leaving her stranded, she had no choice than to become the prodigal daughter who crawls back to her family but they refuse to go back on their words. Left with only two choices, either to live a lowly and finance less life or beg Cross whom she hated to marry her. But Cross also has his own rules, If he is going to accept her. Will she choose to live a lowly and broke life and work her way back to the top for revenge or can she cope with marrying Cross while planning her revenge?


Anca Niculae

Review after the novel completion

A nice story, easy to read, it has it's exciting parts. The action took place from the beginning till the end, a few parts were blaine, but overall it was a good book. Maybe the description of the caracthers could be a like more detailed, to create a better imagine of them. I liked the fact that it didn't had a high sexual content, it would have spoiled the story. I would have liked the chapters to be a little bit longer, some of then were too short. A good subject/story for a movie.

April 16, 2024

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