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A choice To Make

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Kathleen had a failed relationship in the past. She believed all men are the same; pretend they are in love and end up breaking her heart. She had leaved with that belief untill she met Jake. Jake is a single father with two kids. He lost his wife to a plan accident. Will Jake be able change the thought of Isabella towards men Will Isabella be able to fall in love again and trust men. Bellow Jake part write He was heart broken when he had to leave without the woman he loves with all his heart. To get his mind off what had happened, he spends his time at work and going on business trips. This made him neglect his kids, he was too busy to spend time with his children. His mum adviced him to get a babysitter for his kids when he was not always around to keep an eye on them. He agreed to get a babysitter for his kids but that wasn't easy not untill he met Isabella

Chapter 1


Isabella be pov

I would soon be getting married to the love her life, to the guy that was her first in everything. I have been dating Liam for the pass five years now and it's time to be the wife of the only man I have dreamt of getting married to. We met in college and it was love at first sight for the both of us. Liam was my college sweetheart and I have always seen him as someone special to me.

This was the day I have been waiting for my whole life.

I was getting my makeup done by a make up artist. In the next thirty minutes, I would be saying her vows to Liam in the alter.

I have memorized the vows I got from internet and I can't to say it to Liam at the alter.

Susana squealed as she entered the room where I was getting are makeup done.

"Come on Susana, you are scaring the makeup artist." Isabella said teasingly.

Susana chuckled. "I am just excited about today. It going to be the best day of your life."

She smiled. "Yeah I know. I am going to be a wife."

"Yay girl." Susana said cheerily. "After this, we would be coming back nine months later to see the mini version of you and Liam.

I chuckled. "I know right? I just want to take the in s slow, I am not sure if I want kids yet."

"Of course you do. You like kids." Susana pointed out.

"Ms, I am done." The makeup artist said. She took two steps away from me.

"Thank you." I said and stared at my reflection on the mirror.

Susana walked to me, staring at my reflection on the mirror. "You look beautiful, Bella."

She smiled. "Thanks." I slowly stood up from chair. I turned to Susanna.

"How do I look?" I asked.

"You look marvellous." Susanna said.

"Thank you " Isabella said. "You have no idea how happy I am today."

"Trust me bestie I know that" Susana said genuinely uu happy as she walked to Isabella and gave her a hug. "I am really happy for you bella".

"Thank you Sussy" Isabella said

"Isabelle." Tommy called as he abruptly entered the room.

"Tommy what are you doing here , you are suppose to be with Liam at the church " Susana said as she pulled out from the hug .

"Is liam waiting for me outside." I nervously asked.

"Uhm, no he isn't." Tommy said nervously. " I mean he won't be coming for the wedding."

"What? What happened?" Susana asked as she and Isabella strode to Tommy.

"Did anything bad happened to him?" Isabella asked curiously.

"No he is fine...... He called to cancel, he isn't interested in getting married to you " Tommy said

later to see the mini version of you and Liam.

I chuckled. "I know right? I just want to take the in s slow, I am not sure if I want kids yet."

"Of course you do. You like kids." Susana pointed out.

"Ms, I am done." The makeup artist said. She took two steps away from me.

"Thank you." I said and stared at my reflection on the mirror.

Susana walked to me, staring at my reflection on the mirror. "You look beautiful, Bella."

She smiled. "Thanks." I slowly stood up from chair. I turned to Susanna.

"How do I look?" I asked.

"You look marvellous." Susanna said.

"Thank you " Isabella said. "You have no idea how happy I am today."

"Trust me bestie I know that" Susana said genuinely uu happy as she walked to Isabella and gave her a hug. "I am really happy for you bella".

"Thank you Sussy" Isabella said

"Isabelle." Tommy called as he abruptly entered the room.

"Tommy what are you doing here , you are suppose to be with Liam at the church " Susana said as she pulled out from the hug .

"Is liam waiting for me outside." I nervously asked.

"Uhm, no he isn't." Tommy said nervously. " I mean he won't be coming for the wedding."

"What? What happened?" Susana asked as she and Isabella strode to Tommy.

"Did anything bad happened to him?" Isabella asked curiously.

"No he is fine...... He called to cancel, he isn't interested in getting married to you " Tommy said

Chapter 1


Third person pov

Isabella woke up in a bad mood instead of getting up, she continued to lie in bed, staring at the ceiling

As she remembered, how she got fired from her job.She has to face the facts that she is twenty-six and doesn't have a job.

She finally got up from the bed when she got bored of staring at the ceiling and walked out of her room

Isabella walked into the kitchen , she went to the cabinet and took down a cup and poured herself some coffee she place the cup in the counter and sat down on a chair as she began to stair the coffee with a spoon .

"Good morning sleepy head." Susana greeted as she walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Isabella murmured . She took a sit at the counter.

Susana rolled her eye."Are you still upset that you lost your job?" She asked.

Isabella shurgged as she stopped stairing the coffee." Why won't I be,not that it was my faul


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