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Best Romance Novels


Kim Mega

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  • 6.2
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Book cover
  • Author: Kim Mega
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 1
  • 5.0

Axton Alaric Jacob is a 32-year-old man, a cold-blooded killer, psychopath, and mysterious. His dark life left him trapped in a black world. And the trauma of his past makes Axton an untouchable man. However, Axton covered everything when he entered a university in California, changing his profession to become a lecturer just to cover up his identity and the profession he had been involved in. When Axton first wanted to teach at his university, he saw a beautiful girl with brown eyes and long honey-brown hair, amazed and fascinated by the girl's beauty. Unfortunately, the girl bumped into him and cursed him with harsh words. Axton's emotions were provoked because this was the first time a girl had cursed him, cursing him in front of many people. Interesting that one word crossed his mind, and he wanted to have the girl alone. Until Axton met her again on the same day, he entered the same class as the girl. She was seeing a girl sitting in the back seat. A sly, thin smile appeared on his handsome face. Until one lesson was finished, Axton approached Quinza, who was still in his class. She was saying something that scared Quinza. Unfortunately, the girl was hard to conquer, but Axton did not give up the various ways Axton mustered to get her. Even if Axton had to get rid of the men who approached the girl Until one day, Axton's emotions could not be controlled; he saw his girl with another man. Axton dragged him to a place near the campus where he taught.


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