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Book cover
  • Author: Joyshree
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • šŸ‘ 498
  • ā­ 7.5

She was pampered and loved by one of the powerful man. He loved her so much that for her, he would go to any depth just to keep her happy. A egoistical man bowed to her but until when? Everything was fine until one day, she was snatched away from him. She died. But that's where everything starts, she returns with an absolute new identity, a new body. She reincarnates into the body of the abandoned daughter of the prestigious Shengs. With a new identity, came more responsibilities and more enemies. In her past life she had one revenge but after her rebirth, she realised there wasn't just one revenge but two. One for old her and one for the new her. But well, what will happen when she find out everything was just an illusion and nothing more. When she thought everything would be fine, she finds out nothing was actually near from being fine. Then she meets someone she never thought would even be a part of her life. The Devil, the Black Yama King himself. There are mysteries at every step of her life that are yet to open. As she steps ahead for the revenge, she opens up more mysterious which lead her to learn more about herself and everhone else in her life. What will happen when the duo of a handsome Devil and innocent looking She-Devil come together? ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ "I will make you so strong, my love that nobody would ever dare to mess with you", he declares in his domineering yet gentle tone that solely belonged to the woman in his arms. She smirks as she says while looking into his eyes, "Now the world will witness a revenge that was never seen before."


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