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Best Romance Novels


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  • πŸ‘ 25
  • ⭐ 5.0

PROLOGUE It is a fiction novel just about imagination, Noticed you can never change your fate in life, How will you feel to waste all your young age in a coma? Her revenge was all that would make her whole again she wanted revenge for wasting her ten years in a coma, anyone could go to any length just for revenge. Justin and Clara had been best friends and their relationship grew stronger, so Justin invited Clara on a date to his house, Not knowing the betrayal Justin and his family are planning to test a chemical experiment on her. Innocent Clara went to his house in the evening, she took the chance to go out when her parent was on a business trip, Ungetting their it was an automatic pause to her fifteen years on earth, the chemical experiment went wrong and made Clara enter a coma, a long sleep of ten years. After ten years in a coma Clara finally woke up and find out that Justin was now the world, YOUNGEST BILLIONAIRE and he married successfully with two kids, this felt like a sharp pain in Clara's heart, she got annoyed and finally took a plan to revenge but love calls, mike was a worker at Justin company but a boss to Clara they grew a tight bond but Clara realized the secret of Justin and what the chemical had damage in her body, All after Clara. Who will win is it Justin or Clara? what should Clara choose love, revenge, or both after swearing an oath to destroy Justin's family, find out in the novel, God bless you?


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