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Best Romance Novels

Becca. Mide

  • 👁 1.8K
  • 7.5
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  • 👁 1.6K
  • 7.5

"Mainland High school of all,How dare you mention that without respect"A student screamed at a passer-by who saw her in her uniform and insulted her. "Do you really know the repercussions of mentioning that name without a proper respect?"She snarled at the passer-by causing him to choke to death only with the look in her eyes. Mainland High school known outside the school area and with the School is a school of the Supernaturals by everyone in the school. Looking for EVIL, Mainland highschool is the best. Looking for Good it's still the best in that aspect. Mainland High School is very deadly and also not deadly, it just depends on your purpose in that school. It may scream H£LL and to some people it may not... ***Extract from the book*** "Your death is going to be in vain because an hopeless being is gone"Selina mocked " I'm still happy that I was given a respect as an hopeless being, what about you...Your corpse is going to be thrown into the dark sea and you will be a lunch for the fishes with three heads, in short words you will be a treat to the sea monsters" Autumn replied with a smile " How dare you?"Selina hollered in anger " Stop yelling or else you want your voice to sound like that of frog croaking sound,kro kro"Autumn mocked and walk away leaving her alone This angered Selina more as she raised her and to carry Autumn away with her powers but she felt her legs leaving the ground. "Who is that?" She screamed in fear and fear lunged all over her body, her whole body trembled. "Your worst nightmare…"


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