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Best Romance Novels


Sarah Boyce

  • Unlocked Chapters: 97
  • Novel Reviews: 1

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My name is enough to send most people running. Those that don’t are fools, and for that, they will feel my wrath. I am the King of Darkness. The Dark Tribrid is what they call me. Destruction is what I am, what I bring, and what I am known for. Countries have fallen by my hands. A world changed by me and the blood I have spilled. People now fear the dark, fear the Dark Ones. My mother thought she was protecting me by keeping my magic from me. That betrayal is what hurt the most. She took a piece of me, and I nearly killed her for it. Growing up, I knew I was different. My outlook on life was different. My childhood was filled with love and everything a child could desire. But despite my upbringing, I always felt like I was lacking something. Something vital was missing from my life. From the outside, we appeared to be the perfect family. Our lives were great until I turned sixteen, and I came back into possession of my magic. The darkness s*ck*d all parts of me away until I became the person I am today. I used to fear the darkness, now I embrace it. For decades, I roamed the Earth, struggling to find meaning, and that was how I stumbled across my mates. At first, they feared me. By then, everyone had heard my name, not a country left intact as I made my way through each one, trying to figure out my purpose. I met Ryland first. He was just as sadistic as me and a werewolf. We continued our reign of terror until we met our other mate. I was hoping for a woman, not that I was uncomfortable with my sexuality. It is what it is. I would f*ck anything with legs to fulfill my needs and my mates. Orion was different, weaker. He disagreed with my past and the things we had done. He was much older than both of us and knew of my grandfather. Orion is a vampire and a little old-fashioned, but he is mine even though he annoys and frustrates me. He hated me at first, but he came to see reason. He has remained by my side, even when he disagrees, trying to talk me down and change me. Yet, now I think he has given up. Then, there is her. I thought I was complete until I met her. Evelyn Harper, the light in my darkness. I want her, crave her. She is a human and perfectly made for us. Evelyn is everything I never realized I desired, and exactly what I was searching for. The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she would be ours. She just didn’t know it.


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