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  • 👁 1K
  • 10.0

Amelie Pearce, nacida en el seno de una de las principales familias del crimen de Chicago, es una princesa de la mafia famosa por su atractivo físico. Sin embargo, lo que muchos perciben como una bendición se convierte en su perdición cuando se ve obligada a casarse con Gio Locatelli, con el fin de establecer la paz entre dos dinastías mafiosas. Gio es el futuro jefe del cártel Locatelli dentro de la Famiglia de Nueva York, un hombre tristemente célebre por su naturaleza brutal y por haber estrangulado a su primo con sus propias manos. Millie está aterrorizada ante la perspectiva de casarse con semejante monstruo. A pesar de ser uno de los solteros más deseados de Nueva York por su atractivo, su riqueza y su carismático pero depredador comportamiento, Millie comprende que la personalidad de chico malo de Gio es algo más que una actuación. Detrás de los cautivadores ojos grises y la arrogante sonrisa de Gio se esconden el derramamiento de sangre y la muerte. En su mundo, un exterior atractivo suele ocultar un monstruo capaz de matar y besar con la misma facilidad. Sin embargo, escapar de una unión concertada, y mucho menos de un hombre como Gio, es imposible. La perseguiría hasta el fin del mundo. La única esperanza de Millie para sobrevivir en un matrimonio con Gio es ganarse su afecto y abrirse paso poco a poco en su corazón, a pesar de los rumores que sugieren que Gio no posee corazón alguno. Una bella princesa de la mafia entregada a un hombre monstruoso. Incluso los monstruos tienen corazón. Ella quiere encontrar su lugar en él.

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  • 👁 6K
  • 10.0

“Stay away, stay away from me, stay away,” she shouted, over and over. She kept shouting even though it seemed she had run out of things to throw. Zane was more than a little interested in knowing exactly what was going on. But he couldn’t focus with the woman making a ruckus. “Will you shut the fuck up!” he roared at her. She fell silent and he saw tears start to fill her eyes, her lips trembled. Oh fuck, he thought. Like most men, a crying woman scared him shitless. He would rather have a gunfight with a hundred of his worst enemies than have to deal with one crying woman. “And your name is?” he asked. “Ava,” she told him in a thin voice. “Ava Cobler?” he wanted to know. Her name had never sounded so beautiful before, it surprised her. She almost forgot to nod. “My name is Zane Velky,” he introduced himself, holding out a hand. Ava’s eyes grew bigger as he heard the name. Oh no, not that, anything but that, she thought. “You have heard of me,” he smiled, he sounded satisfied. Ava nodded. Everyone who lived in the city knew the name Velky, it was the largest mafia group in the state with its centre in the city. And Zane Velky was the head of the family, the don, the big boss, the huge honcho, the Al Capone of the modern world. Ava felt her panicked brain spin out of control. “Calm down, angel,” Zane told her and placed his hand on her shoulder. His thumb went down in front of her throat. If he squeezed, she would be struggling to breathe, Ayya realised, but somehow his hand calmed her mind. “That’s a good girl. You and I need to have a talk,” he told her. Ava’s mind objected to being called a girl. It irritated her even though she was scared. “Who hit you?” he asked. Zane moved his hand to tilt her head to the side so he could look at her cheek and then at her lip. ******************Ava is kidnapped and is forced to realise her uncle has sold her to the Velky family to get out of his gambling debts. Zane is the head of the Velky family cartel. He is hard, brutal, dangerous and deadly. His life don't have room for love or relationships, but he has needs as any hotblooded man. Trigger warnings: Talk about SA Body image issues Light BDSM Descriptive descriptions of assaults Self harm Harsh language

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  • Author: Rae Knight
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 10.4K
  • 10.0

—Si sigues mordiéndote el labio así, no podré contenerme—. Podía sentir el calor de su aliento abanicarse sobre mis labios, haciéndome desear sentirlos contra mí. Volví a morderme el labio como forma de permitírselo. Me dedicó una sonrisa sexy antes de estrellar sus labios contra los míos. Sus manos me agarraron por las caderas, levantándome y colocándome sobre la isla de la cocina. Separé las piernas y dejé que su torso se interpusiera entre ellas mientras él me agarraba las nalgas y me separaba los labios con la lengua. Dejé que explorara mi boca con un suave gemido. Sus manos abandonaron mi trasero y subieron por mis muslos, levantándome el vestido. Pasó un dedo por mi húmeda raja, a través de mi ropa interior. —Ya estás tan mojada para mí —. Sonrió contra mi labio antes de morderlo ligeramente. Volví a gemir por el placer que me producían sus caricias y sus palabras. —Quiero saber a qué sabes, Rose. Olive llegó un día a casa y se encontró a su único novio de toda la vida con las pelotas dentro de su compañera de piso. Con el corazón destrozado, un espíritu de lucha infernal y su mejor amiga a su lado, se propone demostrar algo. Puede estar con cualquiera si quiere. Encuentra al chico más guapo de la discoteca y tiene su aventura de una noche con un desconocido. Pero se convierte en algo más que un rollo de una noche, ya que vuelve a encontrarse con él el fin de semana siguiente mientras sale con Leo, el mejor amigo de Lucas. Por supuesto, ella no estaba al tanto de la relación entre Loe y Lucas. Lucas está decidido a hacerla suya, pero Leo también. ¿Cómo se las arreglarán estos mejores amigos para luchar por la misma chica? Sigue leyendo para descubrir cómo se las arregla Olive con estos dos nuevos hombres, además de con sus estudios universitarios y su drama familiar. ¿Olvidé mencionar que estos tipos son ricos más allá de lo razonable? Advertencia: en este libro hay muchas escenas calientes y tórridas.

Book cover
  • Author: Ms.M
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 7.5K
  • 9.7

Gabriella is married off to an Alpha by her parents against her will. She is forced to leave her old life behind and move in with the Alpha, who is known for his power and control within the pack. Despite her initial resistance, she eventually comes to accept her new life alongside Alpha Aiden. However, she soon realizes that the Alpha is a cruel and abusive man who uses his position to control her every move. Aiden wanted the title and to receive it , he had to take a wife. As Grabiela is about to enter his life, Aiden decides to make it fun and turn it into a game, with her as the main pond, between him and his friends. When the abuse and lies weigh too heavy she realizes that she has to leave but will he let her go? Or will he tighten his grip and lock the doors? ”I’m guessing the meeting wasn't to talk about the food arrangements for when you take over the pack?” ”They’ve arranged for me to marry Gabriella Santos from the Trimoon pack,” ”So what, when have you ever backed down from a challenge?” ”How is tying my life to another in marriage, a challenge?” ”The challenge is to make her submit to you.” ”We’ll make it more interesting-” ”- I bet you won't be able to get it done before the end of the year,” ”I’ll have her submitting to me by the end of the month,” ”Not just submit. You have to have her wrapped around your finger, hopelessly in love with you by the end of the year,” ”Ten grand to whoever wins,” Explicit sexual abuse, violence, and otherwise TW scenes later in the book. Will warn in Author Notes***
