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My Hot Forbidden Neighbor

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Would it be a fair revenge or cheap stunt to get involved with my Ex's best friend? ..... "Go easy there..." He stands way too close to me. I glance at him but don't object. "Why do you care? It might serve you some purpose." I say while sipping my drink. He takes a hint and wraps his arm around my waist. "Good point! But I don't like sloppy girls in my bed." That one mistake and Natalie’s life became hell. Now she wants to spend her last year in school quietly with her head down. The past year bought so much drama and pain in her life, she wants to stay invisible and forget everything. Things get stirred up when his hot new neighbor joins her at school. Jacob doesn't like to explain his lack of interest in girls (or boys) to others. Girls hitting on him now and then doesn't help his case either. He knows he is different, but not sure exactly how. Life is about figuring yourself out and it's called a Spectrum for a reason, after all. When his friends were crushing over girls at barely 12-13 years old, He thought his time would come probably a year or later. Just when he lost all his hopes, he finally meets his first crush ever at the sweet age of 17.



Review after half of the novel

The novel, "My Hot Forbidden Neighbor" has a different- than- typical- romance- novels approach to intimacy, focusing on a girl with an inflated bad reputation and a boy with an atypical sensuality (he actually has to LIKE the girl before feeling hot for her!?!). This novel is keeping the readers engaged with realistic situations as well as feelings that feel natural (not the sometimes- problematic writing with faux and easily- fixed- with- communication problems, but more authentic emotional and social barriers to the couple connecting).

April 24, 2024

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