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My Handsome Crush

  • Genre: YA/Teen
  • Author: Superb
  • Chapters: 133
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 9.5K
  • 7.5
  • 💬 152


Natalie Jones is a 'fat' and 'unattractive' teenager who is in love with the dashingly handsome Michael Kruger. Michael is captain of the school's football team and he's dating Lily Sam. Lily used to be Natalie's best friend when they were in middle school but is now a thorn in her flesh. Lily would always make mockery of Natalie, calling her names such as 'fat' and 'ugly'. Natalie despises Lily and wishes Michael would notice her and love her instead of Lily. She stalks him on social media and stares at him in class until finally, desperate for a way to become close to Micheal, Natalie creates a fake social media account to follow and chat with Micheal. Michael thinks he is chatting with a beautiful blond girl from Houston named Mika. What happens when Micheal finds out that instead of 'Mika', he has been chatting with a loser all this while?

Chapter 1

The cafeteria buzzed with activity as usual; students talking, arguing, laughing, and yelling. The cacophony of voices and noise mixed together sounded like badly composed music. Natalie Jones gripped her tray tightly as she walked to the empty seat at the far end of the cafeteria, the same seat she had occupied for the past two years. The seat was empty as usual. No one ever sat with her and she was too scared to join anyone else.

Carefully, she stumbled forward and tried to focus on her balance. She couldn’t afford to trip and make a fool of herself. As she glanced up, she noticed Lily staring at her. Their eyes met briefly, and then Lily leaned toward the girl next to her and whispered something. They both laughed, the sound carrying across the room like a slap. Natalie’s face burned. She didn’t need to hear the words to know that they were making fun of her.

As she passed Lily's table, Lily stuck out her leg and Natalie tripped against it, stumbling forward. The contents of her tray scattered across the floor, some of it splattering onto her face. The cafeteria erupted in laughter.

“Ugly loser,” Lily hissed, loud enough for Natalie to hear.

Natalie fought back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Her vision blurred as she scrambled to her feet and bolted out of the cafeteria. By the time she reached the restroom, the tears were flowing freely. She slammed the door shut, leaning against it as sobs racked her body.

This restroom knew her better than anyone in the school, she thought bitterly, the walls had become her silent confidants, bearing witness to countless breakdowns. After a while, her legs gave out, and she slid down to the floor, hugging her knees.

Eventually, she forced herself up and walked to the sink. She turned on the tap and washed the mayonnaise off her hands and face. She grabbed a napkin, wiped away the rest of the mess, and glanced at her reflection in the mirror.

A chubby girl with dull, dark eyes, black hair, and a face riddled with pimples stared back at her. She hated herself. She hated Lily even more.

It was strange how people could change so much in just a few years. Natalie and Lily had once been inseparable, friends since middle school. Things had been fine until high school when Lily started dating Michael. Suddenly, she started treating Natalie like she was a piece of trash.

Natalie took some wipes to dab her eyes. She stared into the mirror and was tempted to squeeze one of the pimples on her face but stopped herself. She didn't want to go to class with a bloody face.

The bell rang, jolting her back to the present. English was her next class, but she doubted she’d pay attention. Michael was in that class. She's had a crush on Michael since middle school, way before Lily started dating him.

Her chest tightened as she remembered when she’d confided in Lily that she had a crush on Michael, back then Lily and her were still good friends. Lily had promised to help set them up. A week later, Natalie found Lily and Michael kissing in the gym locker room.

She trudged out of the restroom, keeping her head down as she retrieved her books from her locker. The hallway felt suffocating, almost as if the walls were closing in on her but she managed to make her way to the classroom.

Michael was perched on a table, laughing and chatting with a group of guys. He looked effortlessly perfect, his light brown hair catching the light, his leafy green eyes sparkling as he smiled. Natalie’s heart twisted. How could anyone be so handsome?

The teacher, Miss Zoe, entered the classroom, signaling the start of the lesson.

"Settle down, class," she said unceremoniously

Natalie sat at the back, her usual spot, where she had a clear view of Michael. She barely registered the discussion about the assigned book. Instead, she spent most of the class sneaking glances at him, daydreaming about things that would never happen.

When the class ended, the students poured out into the hallway. Natalie hurried after Michael, hoping to stay close without drawing attention to herself. In the crowded doorway, she stumbled and accidentally stepped on his foot.

“Sorry! Sorry!” she stammered, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Michael turned to her, his green eyes cold and angry. For a moment, she stopped breathing, mesmerized by how close he was.

“Clumsy b*tch,” he muttered before walking away.

The words hit her like a slap. Her heart shattered, and tears welled up again. She ran back to the restroom, locking herself inside. The sting of his words echoed in her mind. Nothing had hurt her that much in her life. She had spent years secretly loving him, only for him to call her that. The tears streamed from her face, soaking her blouse.

The rest of the day dragged on, each minute a painful reminder of her humiliation. By the time the final bell rang, Natalie could hardly wait to leave. Not that home was exactly a haven exactly a haven, Roy, her stepbrother, made sure of that, but at least she had her room.

Her mom, Jane, was waiting in the parking lot in her blue sedan. She smiled warmly as Natalie approached. Natalie tried to smile back but her face felt stiff from crying.

“You okay, honey?” Jane asked, her forehead creasing with worry.

“I’m fine,” Natalie replied, and climbed into the car before Jane could ask her any more questions.

Jane got into the driver’s seat, but her eyes kept darting toward Natalie. “You look like you’ve been crying. Did something happen?”

“Nothing happened,” Natalie said quickly, her voice breaking.

Jane wasn’t convinced. She glanced at Natalie repeatedly as they drove home, her concern evident. Natalie clenched her fists, trying to keep her emotions in check. She hated how easily her mom could read her.

“I’m okay, Mom. Really,” she finally said, her voice firmer this time.

Jane sighed. “If you say so.” But her eyes still lingered on Natalie, filled with unspoken worry.

Chapter 2

Natalie’s mom dropped her off at home and headed back to work. Natalie paused at the door, bracing herself before entering the house. She knew her stepbrother Roy would already be inside. His school let out earlier than hers, and they went to different schools because Roy insisted on it. Madison High had a middle school close to it, but Roy would rather go somewhere far away from her.

He was only twelve, but he had a knack for ignoring her. He could walk past her a hundred times and pretend she was not there. Still, Natalie decided to stay cheerful as she stepped inside.

Roy was sitting on the floor in the living room, papers scattered across the table. He didn’t even glance up when she walked in.

“Hi, Roy,” she greeted.


“Roy?” she tried again, walking closer.

Still nothing.

She walked towards him. He was busy drawing on a piece of paper. Natalie bent down to have a better look. For a split second, she saw Roy’s head tilt slightly t


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