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The Lycan’s Rejected Mate

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“ Murderer!” Everything changes for Anaiah Ross when she killed someone following her first unexpected shift into her wolf. Now hated, abused and mistreated by the members of her pack, her fated mate, alpha Amos, rejected her instantly and ordered her thrown in the dungeons Her heart shattered almost instantly and begrudgingly, accepted his rejection, resigning herself to a life of misery at the mercy of her pack. But on her eighteenth birthday, fate seemed to take pity on her and revealed her second chance mate as non other than the dangerous and powerful Lycan king but Amos realizes he can’t let her go. With two men fighting for attention and desperate to win her heart and acceptance, her life becomes increasingly complicated. Anaiah discovers sinister plots at work and fights to discover her true power that will change the course of her life for good, making her the prime target for evil the lurks in the shadows. Can Anaiah survive the evil thrown at her and finally find happiness with the man she chooses or will she succumb to the darkness and loss herself, and everything she knows completely?


Denisa Georgiana Sandor

Review after half of the novel

I loved,its asam but i hate when i need to wait for coints because its supoust to be a free app for reading not for watching reclame and this is the most of part what i dont recomand this platform for mu friends I need to read not to whatch videos over in over again And most of this part i will not used this platfor for any friends or family or coorcers So ya for read its asam but the videos part its horible

March 26, 2024

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