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The Alpha’s Rut

  • 👁 321
  • 7.5
  • 💬 0


Meet Kaya Simeon. A young omega who has a nasty habit of going out alone at night and wanders off into the dark woods surrounding the small town of Icedale. One night Kaya goes off cruising again when he accidentally stumbles upon a mysterious alpha in the woods, going into rut...


Angel Collins

Review after the novel completion

First I love love love the novel. I wasmsurpised with the ending. I was sure that there was more story to tell. We just figured out what happened with beast but I wanted to know what happened with the pizza guy. I was for sure that they were still trying to figure out what the last few of the circle was up to. And I wanted to see what also happened with the three of them and how they ended up doing their thing. Either way it's a great story and I would love more.

July 19, 2024

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