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The Alpha's Mate Who Cried Wolf

  • 👁 530.9K
  • 7.4
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Astrid lives alone with her dad, and has no idea she is a werewolf or that they even exist! It turns out the man that helped raise Astrid isn't her father at all, he tells her that her mother wanted her to have a ""normal"" life until the day she turned eighteen when she would have no choice but to tell Astrid the truth about her identity. After a tragedy that killed her mother, her father turns abusive towards her over the years for her mother's death. Astrid remained completely unaware of her heritage until a man named Ryker comes into her life claiming they are mates!



Review after half of the novel

This book is simply amazing the story at the start was very inticing and it keeps you addicted haha I swear I’ve tried to stop spending money and wait for the chapters to be unlocked but I simply can’t with this book, I really can’t say much because I don’t want to spoil it for new readers but let me just say there are so many spins and different paths this book takes you on that you simply will not be able to stop reading

January 30, 2024

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