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Rejecting My Contracted Luna

  • šŸ‘ 26.2K
  • ā­ 9.6
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"You belong to him tonight." My father says as he gestures to the man. My name is Emma, a pathetic she-wolf who is sold by my father after enduring years of abuse from him. That is until Alpha Ethan comes into my life and turns it upside down. He saves me from the hell and gives me a position in his Pack. But only under one condition, that I marry Ethan and become his chosen Luna for at least one year. I have no choice but to agree with the contract marriage if I want to survive. After that year is up I find myself pregnant, and what is waiting for me is the rejection ceremony. Pregnant and rejected with nowhere to go, will I fall into another hell? Should I tell Ethan the truth that Iā€™m pregnant or should I stay hidden from him for the rest of my life?



Review after half of the novel

Well so,far is so good but I don't get it what's wrong with Ethan?!?! He have feelings for Emma and he love her and yet he acts like a pric... like a child.... I hope they will overcome all issues and troubles on their way, and that this baby will reunite Emma and Ethan... after this bumpy ride and divorc thing, hope they will be happy with their child and with no more secrets... soon far soon goood

March 27, 2024

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