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Reject my Alpha Husband

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I once felt incredibly lucky to marry the Alpha of the Golden Crest, but after marriage, he not only became extremely indifferent towards me but also refused to mark me. No matter how hard I tried, he would never spare me a second glance. I believed that I could win him over until one day, his first lover told me that she was pregnant with my husband's child... -------------------- When I climbed on bed with a heavy heart, my phone suddenly buzzed and a message came in-"Forget to tell you just now, I am pregnant. I hope the little baby can get your blessing. After all, it is also Ariche's kid." I lost sleep and endured the torture in the cold room. When the first ray of the morning sun went through the window. I finally heard the sound that the bedroom’s door was open. My husband was back, after staying the whole night with another woman.



Review after half of the novel

I am loving the story. The plot is good and I have no clue what will happen next. I think Alisha has three contenders for her love. I hope everything works out and Archie has to really work hard if he is the one she wants. The characters are great. I hope Erma gets what’s coming to her. I want Alisha to get the best happily ever after she very much deserves it more than any one else. I love this book.

March 9, 2024

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