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Pregnant After Rejected by Alpha

  • 👁 17.3K
  • 8.1
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When I woke up, I was naked and lying on a soft bed that wasn't mine, being held by a stranger whom I absolutely didn't recognize. At the same time, there was an intense pain between my legs, I nearly screamed out loud. Did I give my virginity to an unknown man?! ****************I am the youngest daughter of Silver Moon Pack's Alpha Aiden, and I have a twin sister. We look alike, but our destinies are completely different. She is a female warrior and is known as the next Alpha, while I am an Omega who cannot shift into a wolf, which is considered shameful by the Pack and my father. For 18 years, I have been guarding my virginity and waiting for my mate to appear and take me away until Blood Moon Pack Alpha's birthday, I had a one-night stand with the infamous Alpha Nicklaus, my father's enemy. When I found out he was my mate, I was rejected. I finally decided to hide it all, I got pregnant.



Review after half of the novel

It's kind of interesting, at first I expected the novel to be the same es the other novels with the same topic. Even though the story it's self it's kind of cliche, I really like the story. There are some parts that could use some improvements thought. For example there are some flashbacks that aren't quite cleared, and some times you get lost throughout those parts, but still the novel has potential. There are also some spells mistakes, but you can steel understand the novel.

June 21, 2024

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