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Pregnant After Rejected by Alpha

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When I woke up, I was naked and lying on a soft bed that wasn't mine, being held by a stranger whom I absolutely didn't recognize. At the same time, there was an intense pain between my legs, I nearly screamed out loud. Did I give my virginity to an unknown man?! ****************I am the youngest daughter of Silver Moon Pack's Alpha Aiden, and I have a twin sister. We look alike, but our destinies are completely different. She is a female warrior and is known as the next Alpha, while I am an Omega who cannot shift into a wolf, which is considered shameful by the Pack and my father. For 18 years, I have been guarding my virginity and waiting for my mate to appear and take me away until Blood Moon Pack Alpha's birthday, I had a one-night stand with the infamous Alpha Nicklaus, my father's enemy. When I found out he was my mate, I was rejected. I finally decided to hide it all, I got pregnant.


Ginger Bennett Marsh

Review after half of the novel

Love the story line. I wish I could read it all at once instead of wait for bonuses. I knew her sister had to be bad. ... .............. .......... .......... . !!!!!¡!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@ !!!! Dfshs8vs9usv95f85d7rs7rd9y. U0v9ycutx7rz u9ct8c7rz84x y yxtx6d6dyxu uvhctxtx gcyc8t cighvy. Y h gcgxt t Cy u h g h. Y hisvuvzvixixvj. Hhhyrdcvb. Vvv vyfc cy. Gv. Gv. Ugfcv. Sbs. D d d d d. Dddddf dd. D d. Dj h u h y y

August 13, 2024

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