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Mi Pareja Tiene Dos Lobos

  • 👁 2.1K
  • 9.8
  • 💬 0


She's the daughter of Black Moon Pack's Alpha, however she has always lived like a servant. Her father and stepmother hated her, all because she was wolf-less. Until the night of mating gathering, she met a mysterious man. He took her virginity and screwed up her life. Thus, she was banished and became a rogue, yet she suddenly found her wolf. What is all this about?



Review after half of the novel

Me encanta esta historia, tiene una trama un poco diferente, me encanta la inteligencia y astucia de los niños, me encanta la manera de Katherin de manejarse; no se deja manipular por la tal Gina y eso me encanta, me encanta que no se deja humillar por el protagonista y que no anda babiando por el, ni sufriendo de que el esté interesado en otra, me encanta eso. Me encanta la forma en la que no se deja de nadie.

May 1, 2024

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