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Best Romance Novels

Claiming The Rejected Omega Reviews


Anda Stoicescu

Review after half of the novel

Anul acesta la capitolul experimente am mai bifat o nouă plantă – ghimbirul. Deși este o plantă originară din Orient și mai puțin găsită prin grădinile noastre sau chiar deloc, dacă respectați câteva cerințe ghimbirul poate fi cultivat cu succes în propria grădină. La începutul anului am cumpărat câțiva rizomi de ghimbir din supermarket pentru a-i planta în grădină. Înainte de plantare i-am spălat bine pentru eliminarea substanțelor cu care sunt stropiți pentru inhibarea înmuguririi. Din păcate, la începutul anului nu am reușit sa fac rost de rizomi ecologici, netratați, abia acum am primit câteva bucăți pe care îi voi planta anul viitor în primăvară devreme. Spălarea se face cu grijă pentru a nu rupe eventualii muguri porniți. Apoi, pentru stimularea dezvoltării mugurilor se pun într-un vas cu apă călduță timp de 24 de ore

November 18, 2024


Review after half of the novel

The beginning of this book was good. You got to Knowles the characthers. But later it lost its tracks. Pieces of the story seems to be missing, and suddenly it feels like a different story.Its like the author forgot the story. It had potensial to be a good story, now its messy . IT could be a good story with the heroine not wanting to be an object and be used by her exmate and the lycan prince and maybe choosing an other like for herself.

March 17, 2024

Destiny Lacole Montgomery

Review after the novel completion

Great book wish it didn’t have a cut out ending Very great book kept me engaged and well occupied made me really want to be Watch 💜 binge read the actual book like it really does make you want to sit down and literally dedicate three hours to reading a book so I love the experience love the outcome and most of all love that I can actually read books that I enjoy and that are interesting and keep my intellect going

February 7, 2024

Zapharai Maayeh

Review after half of the novel

I have left this story only to pick it back up a couple days later I am confused as to what is actually happening in this book which is why it has been a stop and start for me it is not bad per se but it does not catch my attention to where I actually want to buy coins to read the rest of the book so I am not saying it is bad but it’s not interesting enough either

February 2, 2024

Shalimar Valentin

Review after half of the novel

I have been really looking forward to checking this story where I want more of the character. I really like how the main lead is trying to find her way in the story where she is trying to truly be her self while the other characters are trying to fight for her I really want to know what happens in the story where i can not wait to read the next chapter and I am rooting for the main lead!

January 17, 2024

Kayla Jordan

Review after half of the novel

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . ..

January 13, 2024


Review after half of the novel

I like it so far H h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h. H h h h h. H h h h h h h h h. H h h h h. H h h h h h h h h h h h. H h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h v h j j j j j j

January 10, 2024

R Bryan

Review after half of the novel

The story has confusing elements as it jumps around without any background information. In one chapter, Liam goes from hating Chloe to suddenly confessing his love for her. There is no explanation as to why he stopped liking Emily and why he changed his mind about Chloe. At the end of the chapter, Chloe agrees to give him a 2nd chance, but the next chapter we read that she is now with Aiden. There is no explanation as to how things changed. Other than that, the characters seem quite interesting and the descriptions of the different locations is well done.

December 12, 2023


Review after the novel completion

The book started off great. Then all the back and forth with Liam and the other guy. Then we have the poisoning of Chloe. That Liam's long time gf did the poisoning. Then we have poor Janet that had sex with some guy that turned to be Emily's twin brother. Then the writer said that they were just friends. Then someone named Max came in the picture. We went from one extreme to another. It was all over the place. The story changed a lot. I wouldn't tell anyone to read this book.

December 11, 2023