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Wedded To The Ruthless Mafia Boss

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As a repayment of her father's debt, Darian Dawson asked for Lena's hand in marriage. Darian is a ruthless man, the next in line to the Dawson family mafia. Lena is a normal girl from the westside of London, a fresh university graduate who is looking forward to having a good life with her best friend until Darian showed up, completely ruining her plans, possessing her and taking full control of her life.


Jacqueline Colon

Review after half of the novel

How they started was of course unethical but they seem to start really liking each other and she is trying really hard to get to know her husband which is not a bad thing but he had to go and mess it all up by cheating now when she finds out she will be heart broken and I would really like to see how he can fix it or what he will say but it’s to far down in the story

November 11, 2024

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