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In a world of dark secrets and fractured loyalties, tragedy is unleashed with the sudden death of Elena's parents, the epicenter of the forbidden love between her and Francesco. Despite promises of protection, Francesco faces a mountain of opposition when he challenges his own lineage, triggering a series of events that reveal the corruption and betrayal at the heart of the Italian mafia. As tension mounts between the Rossi and Moretti families, the marriage of convenience between Francesco and Isabella becomes a cauldron of deceit and resentment. As darkness looms over them, the lines between love and hate blur, leaving indelible scars on their hearts. But when tragedy strikes again, the true face of betrayal emerges. With each twist of fate, new secrets come to light, bringing Francesco and Isabella to the brink of an emotional abyss. Can they find redemption in a sea of lies and manipulation, or will they succumb to the shadows that threaten to consume them? Under the veil of betrayal, Francesco and Isabella's story comes to a head, facing the raw and painful truth that threatens to tear them apart forever. In a last act of desperation and hope, they struggle to reconcile the past and build a future together, where redemption and forgiveness are the only possible salvation.


The resonating of the rain pounded the windows of the mansion, Rossi created a melancholic symphony that filtered through every corner. Francesco, with his gaze lost in the horizon, remembered the words of his grandfather Don Marco Rossi: “Life is a labyrinth, Francesco, and sometimes, we get lost in the shadows.”

That night, the shadows closed in even more. The sound of heels echoed in the hallway, interrupting Francesco's thoughts. Elena entered the room in the company of Dimitri, her face was paled and her eyes looked lost and flooded with tears.

“Elena, I just heard,” Francesco said with an expression of sadness and anger. “I'm so sorry about your parents, Elena, they worked for grandfather and were always loyal to the family, I don't understand how it happened. how are you?”

Elena barely looked up. “I'm all alone, Francesco. The news was like a sudden blow, I don't know what I will do without my parents, I didn't even finish college, my father always wanted to take care of me and treat me like a princess, that was for him, his princess,” Elena answered between sobs while clinging to Francesco's strong arms.

At that moment, Dimitri, who was watching everything with his arms crossed from the office door, interceded. “Francesco, I know this is difficult, but there's something you need to know. Before he died, Elena's father asked me to make you swear an oath.”

Francesco frowned, intrigued. “An oath? What are you talking about?”

Dimitri took a deep breath before continuing. “He told me to make you promise to protect Elena in his absence. And now, more than ever, she'll need someone to look after her. She's fragile and all alone. After all, you two are in a clandestine relationship. I reckon it's time for you to face your grandfather and marry Elena.”

Dimitri's words echoed in the room, leaving Francesco perplexed. “Dimitri, you have no reason to involve yourself in my affairs and my decisions. If you have nothing more to say, you'd better leave. Even if we've known each other since we were children, you mustn't forget your place.”

Dimitri lowered his gaze, as he clasped one of his hands. “I have nothing more to say, Francesco, I'll leave you two alone to talk.”

Elena stood up as soon as Dimitri left, disappointment flashing in her eyes. “What the hell are you getting at, Francesco? Then I too must take my place. I am also the daughter of your grandfather's and your family's peons. I thought you were going to fulfill my father's last will, that you loved me and would fight for me now that I am all alone. Like Dimitri, we are employees and can never aspire to more than that. I'll have to settle for satisfying your needs behind your family's back and leave your room like a tramp.”

Francesco glared at her. “Elena, don't ever say that again!” shouted Francesco. “You're wrong, Elena. You are different. I'll talk to my father before I talk to my grandfather, so I'll have much more support. And if they won't accept it, well, I'll give up my inheritance and everything I'm entitled to for being happy with you.”

“No, honey, I would never forgive myself for you to give up your family and everything that belongs to you because of me. You'd better talk to your father before you leave on your trip. That way we'll give him time to think. Later, when you return, we'll talk to grandfather. Now I must go, I have to make the funeral arrangements. I will ask Dimitri to accompany me.”

“All right, you go. In the meantime, I'll chat with my father.”

Confusion pervaded Francesco as he processed everything that happened and Dimitri's unexpected revelation. “How did her father know something like this would happen? What was really going on? Why had Elena's parents let their guard down only to be brutally murdered?”

Francesco had so many questions and so few answers. Now he just had to fulfill the oath and see to it that his beloved Elena was all right. But for that, he had to face his family.

While Dimitri and Elena were organizing everything for the funeral, Francesco was meeting with his cousin Leonardo talking about what had happened and his determined decision.

“It's unhinged everything you tell me, Francesco. You know very well that the family will not approve of such a relationship, let alone a wedding. We both know that Elena has been getting into your bed since she was sixteen, it's always been a pastime like the other women, but from there to making her your wife, that will never be allowed, and less so after you broke the heart of grandfather's favorite because of Elena.”

“Why not, Leonardo, is it because she doesn't come from a wealthy family? That's a stupid thing to say. We come from a family of mobsters, not royalty. I love Elena. She's so sweet, fragile and funny. Instead, Grandpa's favorite, as you tell her, was a spoiled, simple girl.”

“Well, the 'Ndrangheta is the royalty of the Mafia, and they won't allow you to marry Elena. Tell me something, Francesco, how come Dimitri didn't get a scratch in that attack? Because ever since I got the news I've been thinking about it and I can't find an answer to explain it. He had the time for an oath, but not to shoot. That's odd, don't you think? Ah, look, here comes my uncle. I'll leave you to talk to him. I'll go say goodbye to my parents. After this conversation, I hope I won't have to attend your funeral. I'll wait for you in the living room.”

Francesco swallowed thickly as he watched his father enter the office. His hands were sweating and he could have sworn the color in his face was gone. “What's the matter, son? You look pale, have I ever told you how proud I am of you? You'll fill my position nicely when grandfather and I retire, or failing that, a bullet sends us to the pantheon.”

“What a thing to say, father. You and my grandfather are immortal. The Rossi's are not defeated by anyone.”

“I don't know, Francesco. Sometimes we think that nothing can happen to us and suddenly one day our children organize wakes. The Guidacci's death has left me with many questions. In this business, son, you have to watch out for everyone, especially the people you love. Those are the most dangerous, since they know our weaknesses. Well, enough talk, your uncle is waiting for me. Your grandfather, your cousin and you will represent the family at the Guidacci's funeral.”

“Father, I wanted to give you some news before you leave: I will marry Elena. I swore I would protect her, besides I love her and, in a few months, I will make her my wife. I wanted you to know before Grandfather did.”

Roberto turned around watching Francesco with an almost indecipherable expression. He smiled slyly and replied, “You must be joking, right, Francesco? It's one thing for you to bring the daughter of one of our employees into your bed and another for you to make her your wife. Are you forgetting the humiliation and put-down you gave Isabella for that girl?”

“Father, I love her and if I have to give all this up, I will. Besides, the Isabella thing happened a long time ago, I don't know why you bring that up now.”

“Listen to me well, Francesco, I'm not going back to clean up your childishness. At that time you left that girl devastated because of your little game with Elena, you almost caused a war between the two families. Now take your place as a man and stop with your absurd ideas, and don't even think of touching the subject with your grandfather because the slap I didn't give you, he will give you, besides sending that girl to hell itself. You're next in line to lead this whole thing, so don't blow it for so little. What a curse. Maybe the woman with the name Elena is destined to cause wars. You've already forgotten what you read in literature, remember what happened to the Trojans because of Helen.”

With a mixture of anger and confusion, Francesco headed towards the huge hall to say goodbye to his father and uncle. Dimitri and Elena had already arrived and were saying goodbye to Lorenzo and Roberto. As Francesco watched his father wrap his arms around Elena as he said something in her ear, it wasn't long before Elena slipped out of Roberto's grasp and turned to look at Francesco.

Francesco now had to face Elena, the labyrinth of his life was becoming more and more intricate, and the shadows that enveloped him seemed insatiable. The promise to protect Elena now became a betrayal of the family, but he was willing to face whatever it took to be with her; however, fate had cast a pall of tragedy over the Rossi family and very soon Don Marco would play all the cards he had up his sleeve and Francesco was one of them.


After Roberto and Lorenzo left to close the business they had planned, Elena walked towards Francesco.

“What's wrong, Francesco, why did your father threaten to send me to hell itself? Wasn't he supposed to be our support?” said Elena, as her eyes filled with tears.

“Calm down, Elena, there comes grandfather and it's not convenient for him to see you like this.”

“What the f*ck are you saying, what do you mean it's not convenient? What a man my father left to take care of me.”

Francesco, offended, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her closer to him. “I may love you very much, Elena, but I won't allow you to talk to me like that. Do you really want to know what's going on with my father? For you must know that my father refuses this relationship and my marrying you. However, I will not stay away from you; even if I have to face my father, you will be my wife. I just have a few things to take care of, and there will be nothing to separate us. Now go, we leave in


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