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Sold To A Gang Leader

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  • 7.5
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She was given as a gift to him. But he's heart is cold, so cold and he treats her coldly too. Her fears for him increases every day but suddenly she started feeling different. She started developing other feelings other than fears... What will happen between the master and his slave?


Julie Cariss

Review after the novel completion

Great story, only down side of the story, was that some of the chapters, kept on repeating, so was paying 4 the next chapter, only to find out that I've already read the chapter, which peed me off a bit, only other down side, was the ending, I would of loved to have seen Shawna and Dillion get married and to have seen what sex, their next kid would be but apart from that, it was an excellent read. A++

May 15, 2024

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