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Best Romance Novels

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Life after high school was supposed to be the most exciting experience, full of adventure for Daisy. That was what she presumed it would be. Instead, it was a world of new, strange, and unimaginable experiences.Daisy was a naive, inexperienced, and ambitious young lady who wanted to prove a point of her sexuality to herself and her friend. Proof of her sexuality bonded her with a young guy from another continent. She became a mother at the age of 17, without knowing where to find the father of her baby.



Review after half of the novel

It is the same thing that happened in my life and it was a very bad thing for my mental and emotional state that it is so bad that it has been a very painful and traumatic time and it has caused so much suffering for my family I have been in the hospital and my friends are very much grateful to be here for me I have a very happy life I love my mom I am very happy

August 23, 2024

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