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A Place To Call Home

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Cailen has only one wish. To have a family he could belong to and a home to call his. ***** At thirteen, Cailen had been to different foster homes, each of them returning him for one reason or another. His heart had already taken so much rejection that hopelessness had set in, giving up on himself and shutting down, that even when a family does welcome him and love him, he still has his doubts. When Cailen returns from University to visit his family, he finds himself struggling to keep a secret that he knows will make him lose the only home and family that he has. Will Cailen lose himself? Or will he lose his family?


just alive

Review after half of the novel

As always, you are an incredible author and Im amazed and in love with one more book. The plot is good, the feelings intense, the writing beautiful and the caracters super well constructed. I relate so mutch with the main caracter in every moment and immediately fell in love with him. I am loving this book and it is worth every coin I spend on it, keep going with the amazing work and I cant wait to read more of your books!

April 19, 2024

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