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Best Romance Novels

A Night for the Future

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Ryu JaeWon discovers a three-year betrayal by his wife and best friend. Upon deciding to end the relationship, he learns that his wife is pregnant, raising questions about paternity. After the separation, he encounters Sin Harin, a transgender singer, in a gay bar, and they share an intense night together. Weeks later, Harin also reveals he is pregnant, with no doubt that it is JaeWon's child. The surprise impacts everyone, especially JaeWon's ex-wife, who attempts to separate them, hoping for a second chance with her ex-husband.


SNR Rufin

Review after half of the novel

This novel is beautiful, the chemistry between the characters, I love how harin has people in his life that are their for when he needs them also the relationship that he has with his brother is beautiful and how supportive his brother is, I also love how jeawon is their for her also . I love people around harinare very respectful of his pronounces which helps him in his life.This novel is amazing I would totally recommend it to other readers .

April 25, 2024

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