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Sacrificed to her King Reviews


Alex Ramirez

Review after the novel completion

So far this book has been overall good. I like that. We are not taking it too fast or slow and gradually getting more and more information locked out being overwhelming. I can’t wait to see what happens when the war starts or even when she sees roan again. I also can’t wait to see if we learn what happens to her family and why she’s all alone or what the amulet does or why she has the amulet.

April 10, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Parece una versión súper condensada de Una Corte de Rosas y Espinas de Sarah J.Maas. Mismas situaciones y personajes, por lo menos hasta donde transcurre la historia. Obviamente que no puede condensarse 3 libros en uno más corto y ahí hay muchos baches, como por ejemplo la protagonista que se enamora en dos capítulos y el amor le dura solo uno más, es como que transcurre todo muy rápido y el contexto descriptivo del mundo de fantasía es difícil de lograr (precisamente por la brevedad del relato). Otra cosa es la convivencia de objetos más modernos (como un despertador) con carruajes ¿?. Es básicamente eso, a quien no haya leído el libro de Sarah J Maas quizás le genere un poco más de intriga pero los hechos siguen siendo voraginosos.

April 10, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Magnificent! Very imaginative! Full of color and life! Very, very detailed and descriptive. Well developed characters and thought out plot lines. It’s the kind of story that leaves you wanting more. I came away breathless on several occasions. You fall in love with these characters and want them to succeed and find love and happiness. You find yourself cheering them on as they go about their missions. You get involved in their lives and inside this story like no other.

March 26, 2024

Deborah Jones

Review after half of the novel

It is. Getting better no, I'm getting a little further into it. It just leaves me wanting more like it's not. As descriptive as I think, it could be the character's act somewhat immature to babies. God's guardian they have speak maturely. I don't think unlike the king of the sea was looking at all. Just the way they behave, it's just seems strand as with most of these books, it seems that they are in dire need of an editor.

March 9, 2024