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Marrying The Vampire Prince (Vampire Prince Series #1)

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Nicole Jane Parker is an incoming grade twelve student who lives in luxury and enjoys her freedom as much as she can. But even though she had the privilege to do whatever she wants and gets anything that she will ask for in life, it's not enough to fill the emptiness in her heart. Having trust issues with other people, she grows up with no friends at all. While her parents are always away for business trips. These are the reasons that pushed her to live independently. Things will then start to change the moment she transferred and set her foot in Clarkson Academy. There she will meet Kyle Ethan Clarkson- who is treated by the students and other people in the academy as a prince. But as she started to get along with him, she will discover something about him that is beyond her imagination. Because Kyle Ethan Clarkson is the Pureblood Prince of the Vampires- the creatures whose existence is unknown to the humans, and the one destined for her to marry.


Shelly Zimbro

Review after the novel completion

It’s a wonderful book. I enjoy reading it! You have vampires, humans, witches, and vampire hunters. Most of all you have love! The love between Kyle and Nicole is a great story. You will want to read the full book and see where it goes. You will also find that it is hard to stop reading because you will find yourself wanting to know what else happens and where this story line goes. The fact that it is a series book makes it better.

April 10, 2024

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