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The Mistress

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  • 7.5
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He was just fifteen years old when he watched his mother die and his father was nowhere to be seen. She needed a kidney transplant but his father declined to help even though he had the money with the excuse of using all the money for a big project and can't risk making mistakes but rather risked his wife's life. He was angry that even with her last breath she murmured her love for the same man who never valued. He promised to never be a victim to that thing called love. He grew up despising love and hating his father, if money is the root of all evil then he will have the root while being evil. Leonardo became known as the.. Rich and Ruthless C.e.o. because he never cared about anything called love or cared about anyone, he never smiles, he was a notorious playboy until Elena came along as she tried to to seduce and gain her way to him, however she became his mistress and ended up being the an easy target for his evil client to get hope that he actually have little feeling for her or she will just be another dead victim. But would he save her or just treat her like the other women? that question still lingered in the air.

Declaimer And Synopsis

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This is my original work. Any act of republishing, updating and photocopying without the writer and author permission is considered as stealing.

The Book completely fictional. Place, names and storyline has no relation to anyone.

This is my first work please be nice I promise to give you guys my best. drop comment guys and share you won't regret reading my book


He was just fifteen years old when he watched his mother died and his father was nowhere to be seen. She needed a kidney transplant but his father decline to help even though he had the money with the excuse of using all the money for a big project and can't risk making mistakes but rather risked his wife's life.

He was angry that even with a her last breath she murmured her love for the same man who never valued. He promised to never be a victim to that thing called love.

He grew up despising love and hating his father, if money is the root of all evil then he will have the root while being evil.

Leonardo became known as the.. Rich and Ruthless C.e.o. because he never cared about anything called love or cared about anyone, he never smiles, he was a notorious playboy until Elena came along as she tried to to seduce and gain her way to him, however she became his mistress and ended up being the an easy target for his evil client to get hope that he actually have little feeling for her or she will just be another dead victim.

But would he save her or just treat her like the other women? that question still lingered in the air.

Chapter 1 I Can't Love Anyone

"Hey I need a bitch for the night send her to my house not just anyone but a badass one."

Call ended. A man was seen smoking on the rooftop staring at the star's in the sky not caring about anything because he had it all.

He is Leonardo kain the twenty-nine years old Boss and the C.E.O all he just wanted at the moment was a girl for the night that he can put all his stress of the day on.

Suddenly he heard a familiar voice calling his name waking him up from his thoughts bring his mind back.

"Hi Leon" he heard the voice and rolled his eyes. 'What's this crazy woman doing here? How on earth did she get in?'

"What do you want?" He asked, giving her a scary look with his deep blue eyes.

"Come on Leonardo, you don't have to be all formal with me all the time. You know?" She continued "And I'm not one of your employees...well I just miss you baby boy. And I'm sure you


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