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Best Romance Novels

The contract

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My heart shattered the second I walked into that bar and saw my boyfriend of three years making out with who I thought was my best friend. My boyfriend, the one who had just talked to me about getting married to me a few nights ago. In a night of heartbreak and alcohol, I bowed to forget about him. But fate threw me a curve ball when I woke up in bed with the person I least expected... Dad's partner and the same man that I had lost my virginity to when I was younger, Daniel Halloway. To make matters worse, we were married, and he refuses to annul our marriage. "I'll give you a divorce, but only after our contract is over. After that, you're free to go." he corners me back to the wall making me feel like a small prey, waiting to be devoured by its hunter. "But until then... You're mine, and I will do with you as I so d*mn well please," he whispers in my ear, sending shivers up my spine.


Maebel Noordoven

Review after half of the novel

"The True Luna" is a captivating werewolf novel that delves into the complex dynamics of werewolves and their search for soulmates. The story follows a powerful Alpha who rejects his mate due to dark reasons from his past. With vibrant characters and emotional depth, this novel offers a compelling reading experience. The theme of rejection and pain is skillfully explored, with room for hope and growth. For fans of the supernatural genre, this is a must-read that's hard to resist.

March 26, 2024

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