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Best Romance Novels

The contract

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My heart shattered the second I walked into that bar and saw my boyfriend of three years making out with who I thought was my best friend. My boyfriend, the one who had just talked to me about getting married to me a few nights ago. In a night of heartbreak and alcohol, I bowed to forget about him. But fate threw me a curve ball when I woke up in bed with the person I least expected... Dad's partner and the same man that I had lost my virginity to when I was younger, Daniel Halloway. To make matters worse, we were married, and he refuses to annul our marriage. "I'll give you a divorce, but only after our contract is over. After that, you're free to go." he corners me back to the wall making me feel like a small prey, waiting to be devoured by its hunter. "But until then... You're mine, and I will do with you as I so d*mn well please," he whispers in my ear, sending shivers up my spine.



Review after half of the novel

I like the way the other emphasize the words expressions and characters in every single line and page in Chapter the Ved author told about the characters ladybug and his husband it really nice novel I love it very much the story The characters the drama the suspense everything the most I love the most was the part where the female lead love Zoe so much I love and care and Motherhood for the kid the passion for careers my husband is supported her I just love it

March 29, 2024

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