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SWEET TEMPTATION Synopsis Caroline Gomez, a twenty-three-year-old recently fired young woman. She finds herself in the unfortunate need to accept her friend's offer and work with her father at W & S REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. The problem is Will Reyes, a forty-year-old widower of six years and the father of her best friend and future boss. For Carol, businessman William Reyes has always seemed like the perfect man. She has spent her life searching for a man who could come close to what Will represents. When she finds herself needing to live with Will for a while, Carol discovers that he is "THE MAN". Will remains a s*xy man despite his age, and Carol is willing to fulfill her fantasies with him.



Review after the novel completion

Enjoyed the characterisation, they weren’t your average token, stock characters. They were flawed, real. Would have like to see Will’s reaction to Dylan situation, but glad he left the picture. It was a fun, interesting story and I would love to read similar. Would have like to see Will’s reaction to Dylan situation, but glad he left the picture. It was a fun, interesting story and I would love to read similar. Would have like to see Will’s reaction to Dylan situation, but glad he left the picture. It was a fun, interesting story and I would love to read similar. More words.

April 22, 2024

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