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Share One Bed With My Unfamiliar Husband

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Jade lost her virginity to a man and she had never thought the man was her fiance. Hayden didn't expected he only had reaction to that woman. A contract started between them. Jade hated that man and didn't want to get involved with him. While, Hayden vowed to find her with any costs. After Hayden found out that woman was Jade. He was surprised, and he told himelf that nobody could bully his girl. Feeling his passionate love, Jade didn't what to do and how to face her real heart eather.



Review after half of the novel

Excelente app, tienen buenos títulos y como todo, otros que no son tan buenos. En líneas generales, hay para todos los gustos. El sistema de recompensa se entiende pero es un poco fastidioso, las ads, en muchos casos, son excesivamente largas y esto a la larga (o después del tercer comercial) termina generando fastidio sobre la app, te alejas de ella y no es sino hasta después de un tiempo que te dices -me provoca leer- si hay algo que deben mejorar son los modos de la monetización.

March 9, 2024

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