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Best Romance Novels

Seducing My Ex Boyfriends’ Uncle

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  • 7.5
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COMPLETED! “Please ahh.. please make love to me, I want your tongue all in me …” I couldn’t believe my ears, that was surely my wife’s voice. ***** Jessie after finding out her fiancé had married another woman she decides to have a one night stand with his uncle only to find herself married to him. Despite being married to his uncle she was still attracted to him so they started secretly seeing each other. Well the uncle wasn’t willing to give her up now, not after vowing to always be by her side, now she had two men fighting for her. Will Jessie realize old flames can never be, and live a peaceful life with her new billionaire husband or will Jade succeed in winning her back?



Review after half of the novel

I’m not really loving it. It has kind of a sketchy plot that’s all over the place. I feel like the author couldn’t really find a direct path and sort of picked too many different ones overly complicated with overly dramatic responses by the characters. Storylines, just struggle to make sense. I wished the author would have flushed out the characters a little bit more so that the relationships made sense. I’d like to understand a little bit more of how Clinton and Jessica first met and why is that they fell in love.

April 7, 2024

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