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Best Romance Novels

Revenge With Super-Rich System

  • 👁 486
  • 7.5
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Eric Smith is a food delivery boy. He is the son of a billionaire but his father threw him away because he was an illegitimate child. Eric's wife cheated on him while he was delivering food at a luxurious hotel. One day, his life changed drastically. [Ding!] [System advantage] [You are on a mission to become a super-rich man to rule the world and get any woman you want.] [Your bank account is now worth 1000,000 usd] This is Eric Smith's chance to avenge his heartache to his wife and his father's family who abandoned him.



Review after half of the novel

I like novels with smart systems and this system shows emotions and tease the protagonist lifting the tension of the protagonist. Though he is focused in taking his revenge. And this system is very helpful, a godly like system. I think it’s good book and I can’t wait to read more. I hope he can be happy, become more confident, forgets about the past and think about the future. And hopefully he finds someone he loves and loves him back the same way.

August 16, 2024

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