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Married To A Sex Demon Reviews



Review after the novel completion

The ending has driven me madddd . What? How? Why? Did it have to end on a cliff hanger making me itch for more and more to come. Kayden was and still is popularly known for not having a heart,however Heaven a poor girl ,in Kaydens work place, zooms into his life and changes everything. Imogen is a princess who finds intense interest in her own cousin ,Kayden(which I deam as extremely and significantly wierd). Anyways, this book it's literally one of the best books on this website

October 25, 2024

Sadiya Shaikh

Review after half of the novel

Siksksizxxc j j jj j j j j j jjnh h h h h hh h h h hh j j j j jj j j j j j jj j jj j j j jj j j j j jj j j j j jj j j j j j kk kk k k kk k k k kk k k k kk k k k k k k kk k k k k k kk k k kk k

August 18, 2024

catalina matus

Review after half of the novel

I like it a lot, is really fast so yo are always waiting what is going to happen, im a little confuse with the last chapters and donde Know if is really what to to end, im Just wainting to see if what i think is going to happen, actually happens, the character of the King is the one innesesarie i think, ir the father of Emma is like why are the there, hoping the end is going to be great.

June 4, 2024

Kyndal Hollon

Review after the novel completion

I I I I I I I I I I h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h g g g g h h h h h y t t y y g g h h I h h h vc f t g g g h y g y y y y y y h h y t y y y g yg g h h h h h h h h

May 15, 2024

Casey Whittaker

Review after half of the novel

This book is quite interesting but it’s a shame that the story line is hardly going anywhere. It’s just s*x after s*x other than that there is so little information. I’m currently only half way through so hopefully things start changing and we get to know more or start an actual story line. Other than that complaint this book goes into extreme detail which is quite spicy but why on earth is he having s*x with his own family

May 14, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Interesting story , very catchy I loved every bit of it . And I can’t stop reading it. I shared it with some of my friends who love to read. So they can also know of this master piece of a story . Hopefully they also leave a review on the story . I’m looking forward to reading more stories from you . I’ll say you’re one of the best authors on this story app, nice job keep it up dear. Loved it great book

February 9, 2024


Review after half of the novel

It’s an interesting book a lot of sex scenes and it’s always the same guy and I’m starting to think that he is an actual devil or demon or what ever you want to call him I mean he survived being shot with a gun with no bullet holes and just to protect haven like what can I have a demon boyfriend/husband even if it’s fake I’m kinda hoping they start to actually date and he and haven are the ones in those scenes

February 5, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Wow! This is a very hot and heavy book ! Sex in just about every chapter so if you are not into sex scenes then stay Wawa’s from this book. I have had to walk away from this book a few times to regroup but once I start a book I like to finish it. Also wish the chapter were longer than 8 to 14 pages long! Also this book has and couple of chapters the same and needs updated with corrections for punctuations and other corrections. Great Smut book to enjoy if you’re into supernatural fantasy and smut.

February 3, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Okay, so the plot may be a little silly. A radical prince and emotionally suppressed Heaven. She makes up for her pathetic paycheck by becoming the Prince's wife . Does she enjoy her jobs? No. During the day, she deals with pathetic, insatiable and entitled prince who want everything with a skirt on. Heaven has a critically ill mum who needed an emergency surgery she cannot afford, this, she has to seek for help from the prine who have her an ultimatum to marry him instead of his betroth. That being said, the classic enemies-to-lovers trope and the quirky, witty characters complement the plot perfectly. The chemistry between the prince and Elsie is palpable. And I mean, I get it; some people have trouble with self-esteem, but Heaven’s people-pleasing tendencies are taken to too much of an extreme. And Prince, the most wholesome, caring person, sends mixed signals the whole book. The “you think I'm the devil” phase was too drawn out and, at times, annoying. Still, I enjoyed the light, pleasant read like always.

February 2, 2024


Review after the novel completion

This novel is amazzzzing I can’t get over it. It’s crazy how many hours I have spent on reading this novel the story the characters and the plots are just insane I’m addictive to reading it all the time I just collect points so I can read the next chapter as soon as possible. Each and every chapter is driving me crazy I’m in loooove with this novel I think every girl should read is the romance and the anticipated attraction between the characters is wonderful and goes beyond my imagination I’m intrigued reading this novel and living the story with the characters I also love the name of the female lead character, her name is heaven and I find it very lovely I might name my daughter after her

January 28, 2024