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Long Lost Life

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Something familiar but not. Sneak Peek She carefully got up, making sure not to wake her son up who was still sleeping on the bed. Ellie work a job at a supermarket not too far from her house and could only afford to pay rent for a one bed and bath apartment just outside of the city. Another Peak She came face to face to the man she had once called husband. Seeing that he had not noticed her, she nuzzled her sons head to her chest and ran to the door as fast as she could. She didn’t expect him to be stood there as she reach it.

Chapter 1: Unfortunate Events


Her head swivels round to reveal a tall shadowed figure standing in the doorway. She knew this would happen, it’s what she had expected but didn’t think it would happen so soon…..

That morning Ellie had been out to run a few important errands, she didn’t expect that she would run into her stepmom Polly and her daughter, Anna. Anna sneered at Ellie and asked “What are you here for?”.

Ellie had just been to the doctors and was very shocked to see Anna there. Anna was overjoyed and stated, “I’m pregnant with Jacks baby!!”

Upon hearing this new Ellie was furious. She slapped Anna on the face so hard and nudged her aggressively it made her fall to the floor, resulting in a miscarriage.

Anna and her mother were rushed to the emergency room. Ellie waited in the quiet family room to hear any news about Anna.

Just then her head swivels round to reveal a tall shadowed figure standing in the doorway. The figure went into the room and the light revealed a man in a nice and seemingly expensive suit with a briefcase in hand. “Hello, I’m Mr. Warners lawyer, this is the divorce papers, please sign them on the line marked x.” He stated coldly.

Ellie looked down at the floor. “Is this what he really wants.” She asked. The lawyer didn’t respond. Ellie proceeded to sign the line marked x.

After the papers were signed the lawyer went out to the car and handed the papers to the passengers in the back. “Is it done” he sneered. “Yes, sir!”.

The passenger let out a saddened sigh and the car drove away.

No one had heard from Ellie again after that night, however 3 years later……

Chapter 2: Under Bad Circumstances

The sun shone through the curtains of the flat, waking up Ellie. She carefully got up, making sure not to wake her son up who was still sleeping on the bed.

Ellie work a job at a supermarket not too far from her house and could only afford to pay rent for a one bed and bath apartment just outside of the city.

She got a shower and made breakfast before her son started to shout, “Mama, where are you?”. “I’m here my love, what do you need!” She responded in a warm and loving tone. “Mama I’m hungry” Ollie stated in a childish voice.

She grad Ollie off the bed and held him snuggled up in her arms. “Let’s eat the breakfast” she sat Ollie down in her lap and they both started to eat the food.

After breakfast, Ellie received a call from her work to say that she had to come in to cover a shift. She refused because she had no one to look after her son.

The managers tone on the phone was demanding and cold, after Ellie had been at the computer for a long time, she


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