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Flash Marriage: A Wife For A Stranger

  • 👁 10.8K
  • 9.3
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Founding out her boyfriend got her sister Pregnant, Zoe Gil flirted with an unknown stranger and ended up marrying him in a flash. But why did the stranger turned out to be the most richest and powerful man in the city?


Michaela Parsons

Review after half of the novel

I enjoy this story, however the names are getting confusing due to the writer not using the correct name. That is the only error of this story. I have liked this story line as it’s something I haven’t yet read on this app. I would like to see more action in the next parts of the story but so far it is enjoyable and makes me want to continue to read. It’s definitely something I will show to my family/friends.

March 26, 2024

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