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Flash Marriage: A Wife For A Stranger

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Founding out her boyfriend got her sister Pregnant, Zoe Gil flirted with an unknown stranger and ended up marrying him in a flash. But why did the stranger turned out to be the most richest and powerful man in the city?


Olevia Liebenow

Review after half of the novel

In the end the world will never be free of the truth or truth and we will never know it until the end of time we have to accept that truth as the true truth we live in the moment we are born and be free of all things and the truth we live for it is that is true love to be true love is true love and truth to the world we have to believe it we will always have to believe it and be the best that we have ever seen so I will be in the best of shape I can hope you have the best day ever you have always and I love to you either you know that and always be with your mom I hope to hear your dad I will see there are you and your dad

March 25, 2024

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