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Best Romance Novels

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Cold Showers

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To drown away her emotional pain from a harsh breakup, Jayda went to a local bar to get wasted. There, she met Sebastian Miller, the multimillionaire with the worst personality but incredibly s*xy charm. Despite his flaws, she had a passionate one-night stand with him, creating a bond that binds them forever and forging a connection that transcends fleeting moments.


Julia Nolan

Review after the novel completion

Definitely a reread. It has kept my attention for the longest time. I’ve tried to put it down, but I just couldn’t. Jayda definitely gives us moms more motivation to be boss moms and be the best moms to our children. Seb definitely grew on me throughout the whole book. It was definitely a slow burn, and I honestly throughly enjoyed it. Out of all the things that I have read, this one takes the cake. It has also helped me figure out exactly what kind of books that I personally like to read. Overall, a great story.

April 17, 2024

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