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Cold Showers

  • 👁 49.9K
  • 9.0
  • 💬 0


To drown away her emotional pain from a harsh breakup, Jayda went to a local bar to get wasted. There, she met Sebastian Miller, the multimillionaire with the worst personality but incredibly s*xy charm. Despite his flaws, she had a passionate one-night stand with him, creating a bond that binds them forever and forging a connection that transcends fleeting moments.



Review after the novel completion

I really enjoyed this book. It flowed very well. The only think I didn't like was Lillian's attitude with Jayda about Seb not telling her about Aaron. She had a right to be upset with Lillian for not telling her, she is her best friend. I feel that Lillian should have at least apologized for keeping the secret and not pushing Seb to tell her as soon as he knew. She could have tried to have a group meeting like he did to tell her and Caleb.

April 7, 2024

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