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CEO Stepbrother's Surprise Baby

  • 👁 26.4K
  • 9.2
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There are many people out there, but in the end, it all comes down to only one person you can't live without. Love is passion and obsession. And when you love someone, you shouldn't care what other people think, right? But what if the person I've fallen in love with is my stepbrother? Life brought us together, but people are trying to tear us apart‚ what am I supposed to do? I want him. I can't live without him. Yet I can't be with him. It would ruin his reputation and career, and other people's opinions would mess with our heads. I should stay away, but time stopped when I met him.


Rita Fullem

Review after half of the novel

This has been a really great book. I just wish the chapters were longer. Each chapter keeps me in suspense and wanting to read more to find out what happens between her and Noah. I really hope they end up with their happily ever after and that he gains his memories. He will be a great dad to Emma but when is he going to take the DNA test? Also, I hope that his mom and her horrible dad don’t get involved.

April 16, 2024

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