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365 days as a Billionaire

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SYNOPSIS I want my body back! Sir Riccardo, I made a mistake and I'm ready to right my wrongs. "Its too late, no one will listen or believe you. Moreso, it's all your doing. Enjoy my money Martinez! While I keep your body. *************************************** Midlife crises are no ‘news’. A 54 year old billionaire, 54-year-old Riccardo Ferdinand Deville, was diagnosed with a rare cancerous disease and given one year to live by his doctor, accepting his fate. He decided to leave town and explore the world before his demise. Riccardo comes across a young man during his journey unexpectedly and the unexpected happens. Transmigration occurs between the two. How will both men survive in their new world? Will both parties get their utmost desire? How will the soul swap affect their lives and family? Whose idea was it and who benefitted the most from it? “Things are never as they seemed to be, sometimes you can accurately judge a book by its cover and sometimes you can’t”.

Chapter 1- Prologue

Riccardo flung the medical result papers in a rage; he couldn’t handle the pain anymore. He was trying hard to console himself but nothing was working.

The Doctor’s words flashed back in a rush to his head,

“You have a year at most to live, I will send the test result to your office tomorrow morning. Don’t worry about it sir, with the best of care and attention we’ll make sure you have adequate treatment that’ll guarantee your safety for the next six month before you start experiencing any form of uncontrollable difficulty”.

“You’re suffering from a rare cancerous disease, and it has no cure, I said that earlier, I’d advise you sign the treatment required papers so we can start the process. I will forward it with the Test results”.

“Excuse me sir? Are you listening?” Asked the doctor

Riccardo was absent minded, he stretched out his hand to shake the doctor, he couldn’t look him in the face.

“You mean I will have to die at 54”? “I’d be 54 next month you know”? ” I heard you say cancerous”? “How”!? he said nonstop and rapidly.

“I have lived all my life being healthy, I don’t drink, smoke or even party hard”

“Why do you think I look this good at 54? There has to be a mistake somewhere Dr. Benjamin”.

“I can’t die now it’s unfair, I’m just getting started with my life, ok I have….”

Riccardo couldn’t complete the last statement, tears flooded his eyes;

The flashback ended and he was back to the present. The letter had arrived and it put him out of place, it was true he has only a few more days to live.

He stood up from his seat, picked up the test results he threw away; he squeezed the papers together and hid it in his safe.

Riccardo rested his head on his office table, crying himself to sleep.

“Sir it’s time to go home, sir Riccardo you ride is here”, she said

He tiredly turned around to see who woke him up back to his pain; sleep has been his saving place. It was Christabelle his secretary.

Riccardo got inside his ride after taking almost all the time in the world walking slowly and weakly, “Sir do you have a change in plan or I should go ahead with your instruction from yesterday’s night” Sebastian his driver asked him.

“No, we’ll stick to the plan” Riccardo said.

Riccardo flung the medical result papers in a rage; he couldn’t handle the pain anymore. He was trying hard to console himself but nothing was working.

The Doctor’s words flashed back in a rush to his head,

“You have a year at most to live, I will send the test result to your office tomorrow morning. Don’t worry about it sir, with the best of care and attention we’ll make sure you have adequate treatment that’ll guarantee your safety for the next six month before you start experiencing any form of uncontrollable difficulty”.

“You’re suffering from a rare cancerous disease, and it has no cure, I said that earlier, I’d advise you sign the treatment required papers so we can start the process. I will forward it with the Test results”.

“Excuse me sir? Are you listening?” Asked the doctor

Riccardo was absent minded, he stretched out his hand to shake the doctor, he couldn’t look him in the face.

“You mean I will have to die at 54”? “I’d be 54 next month you know”? ” I heard you say cancerous”? “How”!? he said nonstop and rapidly.

“I have lived all my life being healthy, I don’t drink, smoke or even party hard”

“Why do you think I look this good at 54? There has to be a mistake somewhere Dr. Benjamin”.

“I can’t die now it’s unfair, I’m just getting started with my life, ok I have….”

Riccardo couldn’t complete the last statement, tears flooded his eyes;

The flashback ended and he was back to the present. The letter had arrived and it put him out of place, it was true he has only a few more days to live.

He stood up from his seat, picked up the test results he threw away; he squeezed the papers together and hid it in his safe.

Riccardo rested his head on his office table, crying himself to sleep.

“Sir it’s time to go home, sir Riccardo you ride is here”, she said

He tiredly turned around to see who woke him up back to his pain; sleep has been his saving place. It was Christabelle his secretary.

Riccardo got inside his ride after taking almost all the time in the world walking slowly and weakly, “Sir do you have a change in plan or I should go ahead with your instruction from yesterday’s night” Sebastian his driver asked him.

“No, we’ll stick to the plan” Riccardo said.

Chapter 2- New body / Old Soul


It was spacious, vague and empty. There was an aesthetic design layout of the mansion. It was painted all white, only the furniture and equipment had different colors. In the sitting room there were numerous art-work on display.

Only one was a portrait of Mr. Riccardo Ferdinand Deville.

The portrait was an original painted image of him, it looked so real and clear, it would be the first thing to attract one's attention when you stepped inside the mansion.

A big white blinding light from the gigantic chandelier in the room pierced into his eyes. He was fast asleep, enjoying the smooth and soft feeling of comfort from the bed.

He rolled left-right on the big king-sized bed he was sleeping in. Anyone would find it hard getting out of such a comfy and big bed.

“Good Morning sir, you’re late for your morning routine”, it was Vazquez, his housekeeper and personal assistant, who turned on the light in a bid to wake up


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