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Book cover
  • Author: zavieda
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 51
  • 7.5

The Princess of the United Realms dreams of a future with the House of the Wolves’ Alpha, and she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. But the Alpha only has eyes for his first love, and although he accepts the Princess’s love, he cannot reciprocate it. Now they’re married, but the Princess feels neglected by the pack and especially…by her husband. It’s around this time that she feels strange sensations and (due to an event) enlists the help of the Alpha’s older brother, where they discover new things about each other, although starting off from a rough patch. This is because the Alpha’s older brother was an exiled Alpha—the mad dog of the House of Wolves. He was much more sharp-tongued, brutal, and an *ssh*l* compared to his brother, which the Princess disliked. The Alpha that was cast out by his pack for his pure wickedness and had been overseas for a long time. When he came home, he arrives to the miserable state of the only woman he has ever loved, who he gave to his brother in hopes of her achieving happiness. Together, they discover a curse that will plague the pack and potentially all the realms and the Moon Goddess’s blessing of power to the Princess can be the only tool to either heal the land or amplify the damage. The two brothers’ contrasting personalities will then show in the face of this crisis. The Alpha’s choice is to sacrifice the Princess to heal the land for sure, while the Alpha’s older brother’s choice is to prevent him from sacrificing her. The Alpha enlists help from other Houses to kill the Princess, but the Alpha’s older brother is her shield. While she unlocks her full potential, he will fight against anyone who dares to harm her. In the end, the Princess will save the land from the curse without needing to sacrifice herself. She becomes the Priestess and highest being in all the realms and he, her knight.


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