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Book cover
  • Author: Zanaka
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 31
  • 5.0

Starting from a love story of different world, then bringing Vin Greyrat to be the cause of misfortune that will befall his descendants. Initially, the young man named Vin and Arthur investigated the disappearance of their classmate. All the clues lead Vin to an ancient building. Apparently, the old building on the hill has a basement that holds many secrets. In fact, under the ground there is a mysterious temple. Vin is very curious and invites his friend to explore the whole place, which is in the basement. However, the temple is also what brought Vin to time travel, until Vin got to the Human-Animal World. 'I really crossed over the dimensions of space and time. But . . . when other people pass through dimensions with magic weapons or modern props, and I just fall down from the third floor of the ancient temple!' Vin thought, annoyed. [Triggers a series of tasks!] "What?!" shouted Vin. [The bullies will appear, please help the Princess to fight the bullies on your way! The Host must ensure the safety of the Princess until she reaches her destination! ] "Huh?! A new task popped into my head!" Vin muttered, still not used to the system sound coming from his head. Love blossomed there, but Vin had to return to the Human World. *** The demon cat sacrificed many things to come to the human world with the consequence that he would become a cat forever. The cat demon lives in Vin's house as a pet. Then, can this beautiful cat demon tell if she is Dea, the woman Vin loved before?

Book cover
  • Author: Zanaka
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 41
  • 3.0

Allera Nightray is a 25 year old woman from the Nightray family. She was gifted by her grandfather a luxurious apartment in the Silver Vine Garden. The apartment has 5 bedrooms. Allera is a realistic person and doesn't believe in demons and the like. Allera even thought that demons were just a bunch of atoms. Allera decided to live in the ity apartment because it was closer to her workplace. At first, Allera did not see anything strange about the apartment her grandfather gave to Allera, but Allera felt suspicious when she often saw a black shadow enter her room.Then, Allera is also surrounded by strange neighbors. Kei is a demon from the wolf race. He has a twin brother named Ken. They both lived in one of the units in the Silver Vine Garden apartment. Silver Vine Garden is an apartment that has few fans. In this place, demons and humans blend into one. However, none of the humans realized that their neighbor was a demon. Only poor humans choose haunted apartments because of their cheap prices. Ken and Kei also act like normal humans to hide their identity as demons. They also have neighbors named Shin and Belphie. Allera doesn't know the story, why her neighbors are now renting a room in Allera's apartment. Allera, who really likes money, of course wants to rent out the 4 bedrooms to these strange young men. The four demons compete for the attention of Allera Nightray, the owner of the apartment they live in. Then, who managed to win Allera's heart? Then, they have to face Allera's brother also named Althair.


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