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About me

A writer who loves fantasy themes, especially Werewolf and Vampire. I have been writing since I was 12 and have a lot of creativity, even more so because I play RPGs. I love writing and also playing.


Book cover
  • Author: LadyArawn
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 365
  • 7.5

Sophia Turner is a powerful woman in her own way, head nurse of the most renowned hospital in the United States, with a knowledge of medicine that makes many doctors jealous. She is her own woman, knows what she wants, doesn't care what people think of her and many say she is strange or the perfect woman, she has her own money, likes to have s*x, is passionate about role-playing, and doesn't take any crap. Those who know her say she doesn't exist, how can she do all this being single? But Sophia has been through a lot of things to become who she is now, her past few people know, but those who know admire her. Having a balanced life is the most important thing, her health comes before anything else, after all, she learned this after years of treatment (which still continues). Her life changes upside down when one day the Houroux family suffers an attack and their leaders end up in the hospital... Perseus is seriously injured and has a specific blood type, the same as Sophia and she helps to save him. As if this were not enough, Sophia feels an inexplicable attraction for the second-in-command, Achilles Lykaios. The woman doesn't want to get involved again with people like the Houroux family, people with a lot of money who had influence in many places and who could buy anything if they wanted to. But Sophia is not for sale, and yet... She has to overcome some past traumas and accepts the proposal to accompany Perseus' progress and goes with the Houroux family. Things are not as they seem... What secrets will be revealed? A new world opens up for Sophia, a world she imagined only in her fantasy role-playing books.

Book cover
  • Author: LadyArawn
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 7.7K
  • 9.5

*Mature audience only: Contains mature language, s*x, abuse and violence.* -------------- She has no name, not anymore, after so long she has simply forgotten what a name is, what it means to be able to choose, what it means to be able to wish, she has simply forgotten what it means to be a person. She's just a slave in a pack that makes a point of reminding her that she's nothing more than an object to be used, whether it's to do household chores or to satisfy the sexual desires of her masters. ----------- He is a king, not only that, but the king of werewolves, his domain extends over all the lupine lands and he has never cared about much, his heart is already closed, destroyed by a past he wants to forget. With one word he could change the whole society, but for what? It's not worth it, the joy of war and fighting is one of the things that keeps him going... And, of course, the pleasure he gets from whoever he wants, whenever he wants, without ever hearing no. -------- He's not just a king, he's an emperor... His vampire empire covers almost all of Europe, many call him a dictator, others a liberator... He rules his lands with an iron fist, his word is law. Tired from a long war, he just wants to rest for a while and find the one who will complete him... After living so long, he's tried everything, but he still hasn't found the person fate has given him. ------- Three completely different people... Three intertwined destinies... Who will heal who and who will survive in the end?


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