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Best Romance Novels

Jossie Finnah

  • 👁 277
  • 7.5
  • 📚 2


Book cover
  • 👁 30
  • 7.5

Luca Ferraro, an Italian boss is a revered Italian mafia boss with a cold heart that is thawed by Elena Rossetti, a kleptomaniac woman who agrees to marry him when caught stealing from him to avoid a death sentence. Elena Rossetti grew up fending for herself by stealing, she lives an average life until she steals from the dangerous Luca Ferraro, her only way out is marriage to a man she should be scared of. Why did Luca Ferraro give her marriage as a punishment? When love suddenly visits them, will it be enough to help them weather the storm? “Do you trust me, Elena?” My eyes were widened but I nodded either way. “Of course, I do” I quickly said. “Is it wrong to say that I want you… if you want me?” He whispered, resting his chin on my head. “No” “Then Elena, I care, I f*ck*ng care. With all the twisted part of myself and I want this to…be real… to get hold you in my arms without feeling like you're gonna slip away. I think what I needed to realize this was the feeling of losing you at the meeting. F*ck I was about to go livid” he breathed out. I was silent, just absorbing everything he was trusting me with. “Elena…” his voice had dropped to a desperate whisper that made my skin tingle. “Yes?” I managed to say between shaky breaths. “Don't leave me” he whispered before he wrapped a hand around my waist and pressed his lips against mine. He hadn't said he loved me yet…but he cared…he liked me…and maybe…maybe he did love me deep down.


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