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Cleo Lily

  • 👁 10.8K
  • 8.3
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About me

I love to write New/ Young adult romance. I also write other genres as well. There is always something new and different in each of my books!


Book cover
  • Author: Cleo Lily
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 1.9K
  • 7.5

Jealousy, obsession, and secrets lurk beneath the surface, threatening to tear Lily's world apart, as she navigates the twist and turns of love and friendship, she must decide which boy is truly right for her and face the consequences of her choices. ______________________ Eighteen-year-old Lily Davis, who has never been in an intimate relationship, finds her self-torn between two boys in her senior year. Mark, the arrogant, cocksure and most popular boy in school who commands attention with his entourage wielding his sharp wit to garner both envy and admiration. On the other hand, there's Ethan, the enigmatic newcomer, captivating attention with his mere presence. His tall and attractive physique a magnet that draws admiring glances toward him. Lily was never interested in getting a boyfriend but her bestfriend puts the idea in her head, along as the sudden apperance of Ethan who caught her attention at first glance. She makes an attempt to know Ethan but later finds out Mark is his childhood bestfriend and because of this, she gets close to both of them, drawn to their unique personalities. But soon, Lily realizes that there is more to them than their perfect smile and handsome faces. The secret and unsaid words that hid beneath their Charming personality comes to light- she finds out that the perfect truth can turn out to be the biggest lie. Does she really love them? Or is she caught in a web of manipulation? Can she really trust who they say they are?

Book cover
  • Author: Cleo Lily
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 8.8K
  • 9.2

What happens when the person you are about to have s*x with is not your boyfriend but your boyfriend's twin brother!? ------ Kacie Miller is a nineteen-year-old who has been dating Caden Iverson for three years. Their relationship has been one without any sexual activity because of a traumatic situation they both experienced the first time they tried it three years ago. Years have passed, and Kacie has completely forgotten about it and wants to try intimacy again, but Caden still remains disturbed, giving excuses whenever Kacie brings up sexual intimacy in a conversation. Determined and full of confidence, Kacie plans a day for both of them to be intimate, but Caden gives another excuse over the phone. Angry and annoyed, Kacie switches off her phone. But suddenly, Caden shows up, and Kacie finally continues her plan of being intimate with him, and just when his length is about to be buried deep inside her, a shocking statement comes out of Caden’s mouth. “I’m not Caden, sweetheart. I’m Caden’s twin brother…” “Chase” What will Kacie do? Push Chase off her body and remain unsatisfied? Or proceed with being intimate with Chase and cheat on Caden? As their tale progresses, with the new arrival of Chase, who looks exactly like the one Kacie has always loved–Caden, her heart ignites as feelings for Chase Begin to emerge. Clearly, she can't have them both to herself... Or can she? ______________ Daily Updates! Content Warning: Mature and possible triggering content from the very first chapter.


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